Monday, October 3, 2011


if there are four things in the world that i would say blur the line between "hobby" and "obsession" for me, they would have to be: photography, food, cycling... and toys. i've always been a huge fan of toys, and the trend in "designer" toys has been both a creative goldmine and a budgetary disaster for me. (then again, it's not like film photography is exactly cheap, either.)

this little guy's name is solem, and he's part of the lake monsters series produced by chicago's very own rotofugi. roto is a wonderful little shop, and pretty much the only one of it's kind in chicago (or illinois. or the midwest, for that matter.)

he made a great subject for a lazy weekend afternoon shoot around the house, and even though he's only got the one look, i think he can be pretty expressive when he feels like it.


what are you looking at? tell me, have you seen her? gratuitous nixon impersonation nowhere to go but up it IS easy, being green... nope, not the way to diagon alley no looking back now it IS easy, being green... who would wear green & purple?

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