Friday, December 16, 2011

harpy horidaze

yeah, it's THAT time of year. even though i'm on vacation, i feel like i'm constantly running about, or doing something around the house, or what have you. but there is some good news on the photography front: finally got not one, but two sets of extension tubes. one for the minolta and one for the kiev. and you know what that means?


coming soon, i promise. i mean, i've got to test them out SOMETIME, right?


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

rhapsody in blue shyly

i've gone through some pretty drastic shifts in my toy collection, but this guy is in for the long haul. his name is shyly, and he's designed by an awesome artist out of japan that goes by T9G. between the smile, the too-big necklace and the bucket, what's not to love about this guy?


o-oh say i can see heels over head optical camoflage (minus the bucket) spare change? nothin' but blue skies blue and black

Monday, November 28, 2011

killer's day out

finally got around to correcting the three rolls of color film that came back with my la photos. when five rolls come back at once, it's certainly exciting, but also means i've got my work cut out for me.

here's the first series, a little sunbathing session with one of my bwana spoon's custom sleeping killers.


all of this and more sunbathing leviathan rising one across the bow killer in autumn pebble beach

Friday, November 25, 2011

really wanna be in la, part 2

and here's the second half of that roll i shot walking down melrose. i have to say, i don't particularly care for the film i used this time around. i bought some kodak color-process black & white film, thinking it might be easier to have it developed at the hour photo place just down from my office, but now they ONLY do processing with two sets of prints, which is pretty stupid if you ask me. so now that everything gets mailed off for processing, no more skimping of film. and even though i'm fairly happy with the way these turned out, i wonder if i would have liked them more had i shot a roll of ilford instead...


the critic the critic (detail) listen to yoda... hixer one hurm merc mail box spilled milk there is no carlton, wyoming

Thursday, November 24, 2011

really wanna be in la, part 1

walking down melrose, couldn't help but bust out the camera. lots of fun stuff, definitely too much for one post. second half will go up tomorrow, provided i can work of some of the turkey i'll be packing away tonight.

cheers! and happy thanksgiving!

the "is it a banksy?" shot "is it a banksy?" detail luster felix god save the winehouse bankrupt slut on melrose watch your step that's not powell ob y

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

between venice and hollywood

so i went to la for a my soon to be sister-in-law's wedding. my other soon to be brother-in-law law and i were ushers, so we were pretty much useless for a couple of days before the wedding while everyone else was running around. so we went and hung out on venice beach one day. i'll leave the commentary alone, but suffice it to say there was plenty to watch, but not much to take pictures of. that's why i finished off the roll walking around the bride and groom's apartment in hollywood.


iron and vine matchstick bamboo no parking 4901_05 before they came to sleep dog walking people watching hollywood 5947 beyond the gate DWP FA 99

Saturday, November 19, 2011

okay, so i lied...

i thought it was going to take another week or so to get the black & white previews back of my trip out to los angeles. but there they were, waiting for my in my email after i got off the train last night. really excited about these ones, and these previews do not do them justice at all. (a word of advice when it comes to processing: the higher resolution negative scans are ALWAYS worth it!)

should get everything back next week, so i'll have some time to clean them up over thanksgiving.


ImageDisp-33 beyond the gate DWP FA 99 bankrupt slut on melrose hurm male (get it?) box

Friday, November 18, 2011

a little preview

i have three rolls of color shots, and two more rolls of black and white, on their way. always excited to get film back from the developers! but until then, these should keep you happy...


ImageDisp-13 not another brick in the wall nothing but blue skies

Friday, November 4, 2011

temporary redesign

so yeah... blogger decided to add drop shadows to the dynamic layout i was using, which totally threw all my layouts out of whack. so back to the static layouts, and hopefully i can whip up something with a little more eye appeal in the near future.

but look... now you can follow the blog! yay! c'mon guys, make me feel popular! =p


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

random shots, take 2

a couple more to pass the time... i'm hoping to go out tonight after work and shoot  a new roll.


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