it's no excuse to NOT shoot, but i just find it hard to take photos during the winter. (or at least anything outside... there's no excuse if you're shooting indoors.) anyway, one of the few fun things about the winter is that i start digging through unprocessed (and often unmarked) rolls of film.
most of the stuff is crap and i know it, hence the never getting it developed, though some of it is experimental stuff that i put aside and promptly forgot about. either way, i'll often find a few interesting captures... enough to pass the time until i decide it's time to get back outside and start shooting again. (or find a suitable indoors shoot. =p)
these are a couple SERIOUSLY out of focus images from a roll i shot from the inner loop platforms around chicago. i was using a zorki 3, which is an old leica rangefinder knockoff, so there's no through-the-lens viewfinding, and all focusing is guesswork because i don't have an accessory rangefinder to set my distances right.